Irish Water to alert homeowners in Tipperary regarding lead pipes.
Irish Water to Issue Letters and Information Pack to Tipperary Homes where they suspect the usage of Lead Piping :
Lead was used in the plumbing of houses and buildings built up to and including the 1970s. Since then, the presence of lead in drinking water has been recognised as a health concern and the acceptable limit has been reduced a number of times. In December 2013 the limit dropped again. International research has shown that two out of three houses with lead pipes are now likely to exceed the new limit.
Irish Water has now begun a customer awareness campaign in Tipperary, in consultation with the HSE and the EPA, on lead pipes and how lead can be picked up by the drinking water as it passes through these pipes. As part of this, Irish Water is now matching the meter locations with its customer details and is writing to any property where the metering programme noted that there may be a lead pipe connection. This makes it more likely that the internal plumbing and pipes in this property are made of lead.
These communications are issuing to houses throughout Tipperary, and will consist of a covering letter, an Lead Pipes Customer Information, and a copy of the HSE Lead in Drinking Water FAQs 2015.
If you have any specific queries on the correspondence or on lead pipes, you can contact my office directly on (0504) 22022