Town Regeneration
As we all know, many of our towns in Tipperary are in dire need of redevelopment. If we are to encourage businesses to establish themselves in Tipperary then a modern, up to date infrastructure must be put in place and enterprise grants be made available.
This will encourage local people to set up new businesses and increase local employment. I assure you that I and my team of county councillors will address these issues as a matter of priority, while I fight for national resources to be
directed to Tipperary for major enterprise and infrastructural deployment. The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Southern Region will soon be adopted. As a result Tipperary County Council are required to implement a new County Development Plan. My team of County Councillors and myself have a thorough knowledge of current and future planning legislation to ensure that the new plan delivers:
- Regeneration and renewal of our towns and villages
- Fair planning rules which serve your best interests
- Sustainable planning to support communities
- Ensure the Council supports the farming and agri-food sectors
- Encourage entrepreneurship and job creation while promoting Tipperary as a tourism destination